Is there afterlife?[i]

After Eben Alexander[ii] has a comma experience when he sees “the other side of the life” he discovered consciousness is more than a “little voice in the head”.
As a neurosurgeon he knows there are parts in the brain that generates the voice in the head, thoughts, linguistic human brain (ego and self), parts that are responsible for the speech production and interpretation. However, Eben states that they are small regions, tinny aspects of the cortex and are not consciousness at all. Even though, they are the awareness part of us, that knows the Universe and existence.
For him, the hard problem of consciousness, that philosophers of Mind and neuroscientist pursue, will not be achieved. The more the neuroscientist study and know the physical brain the more they realize the physical brain is not the creator of the consciousness.
To defend this view he points out common observed clinical phenomenon where dement patients near death can have very clear thinking, interaction and great clarity of memories. In cases of brain damage (like autism) they have super human ability like good memory, calculation power and musical creativity that emerge out of nowhere, in his point of view.
He also quoted the experiences of Penfield working with epilepsy in Montreal in 70 decade, using electrical stimulation of the brain. In that cases, Penfield didn’t find an event of free will: the patients always knew there was something triggering the action. Eben concludes saying what sounds bizarre: for him, free will and consciousness are not created in the brain and the brain is more a limiting. In fact, we have no limits when we are free of the experience to be here and now.

[i] My points of what was said in the video Accessed on March 8, 2020.
[ii] Despite of the facts one can find in Wikipedia reporting he had been the subject of several malpractice lawsuits, etc. Accessible here:, on March 8, 2020.


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