The Cloud

We are living in the “big data” era. The popularization of the smart phones and other smart devices enabled plenty of applications that collect data and send to the cloud. More than that, the evolution of microprocessors and low price of storage contributed to support the growth of those applications. In the digital era an entity called “The Cloud” (from now TC) comes up residing somewhere and doing “magic” things like to control so many aspects of our life.
Over this technological apparat, we can exchange all kind of information in many formats like text, image, voice, video and so on and so forth. Everything we share feeds TC that then knows about us and the world more and more. TC is our best friend today because it gives us many advises and alerts that we need to take care and that suggests what to do. Eating everything that is "on the air", this entity is the fattiest and smartest one, even able to retire god. With the big data of all of us, TC always tells us where to go and how to go. It knows our personal behavior even more than us, in some cases.
However, this entity has one problem: it relies on our information but often we don’t produce reliable information. We took centuries to create God and to deal with His skills and weaknesses. Now we are creating another god that needs to learn a lot, otherwise it will dead. So, while TC can’t send us only trustworthy information we need to doubt his advises and confirm them carefully. Otherwise we can, e.g., elect one person for president based on fake news.We have much more to say about TC in our next thoughts, but one question that remains to start is: in a near future, would TC be able to substitute God?


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