Make you happy

Epicurus, born in Greek year of 341BC, asked a different question the oldest did at that time: what makes us happy instead of “good”? Studying happiness, he concluded some remarkable things:
1) The friendship is better than the romantic or sexuality because many people are jealous or fight a lot in this type of relationships,
2) Working alone or in small groups improving the world and felling we help others is more satisfying that working long hours to make money and
3) Changing luxury by a calm and pure mind and a simple way of life.
So, we need three things to be happy in our life: to have the friends around, to stop working to other people and take care of our own staffs and become calm being alone reflecting, reading and meditating.
These insights spreaded and motivated the creation of a lot of communities in Mediterranean that were later transformed in monasteries by Christians. For SoL, even Karl Marx with his concept of communism, can be considered a version of Epicureanism. However, the main legacy of Epicurus is that we need to make us more happy but also teaches us that we need to think more in ourselves and also we need to have courage to change our life following the directions quoted here.

(*) Digest of School of Life. Video can be found here:


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