Uniqueness of consciousness[i]
John Searle refutes both dualism and materialism to bring biological naturalism where mind, as a biological phenomenon, is part of the nature. He says, both, dualism and materialism have true and false arguments so he focus on what he considers true. He preserves the two main ways: everything is physical and a part of it is mental. The biological naturalism follows the steps: 1. We cannot deny that consciousness exists. Materialism says consciousness is an illusion but when one thinks in consciousness he knows he is conscious. Therefore, consciousness is real and it even can be irreducible. 2. We don’t know all the events that happen in our brain yet; either our vision or why we feel pain. However, we can track our vision processes in the brain and find out the nervous that can cause a vision. Similarly, the consciousness can be a process that is caused somewhere in the neurons such as the function of the "high level ...